Covenant to Honor our Wedding Vows
“I will honor my wedding vows by living in sexual purity according to the sixth and ninth commandments and I will take whatever action is necessary to safeguard sexual purity for myself, my spouse and my children.”
Covenant on the Use of Resources for the Benefit of Others
“I will use the fruit of my labor for the benefit of others by giving God the first fruits, eliminating all credit card debt and saving for an inheritance for my children’s children.”
Covenant on Giving Time to God
“I will give some of my time to God, beginning with Sunday, the Lord’s Day. I will attend Mass together with my family and make the gift of that day to my family so that we may experience the superabundant joy of God together.”
Covenant on the Ascent of the Mind to God
“I will elevate my mind to God by spending at least fifteen minutes each day gently reading Scripture and allowing God to speak to me. I will validate my insights through my spouse and/or spiritual guide as appropriate.”
Covenant on the Practice of the Presence of God
“I will Practice the Presence of God by receiving Christ in the Eucharist one day each week in addition to Sunday. If I am unable to receive Him in the Eucharist, I will at least stop to visit Him residing in the Tabernacle.”
Covenant on Finding the Hidden Face of God
“I will stop what I am doing and praise God seven times each day for discovering his Hidden Face in those closest to me, especially my wife and children.”
Covenant on the Mercy of God
“I will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation once each month or immediately upon committing a serious sin. I will manifest the merciful Father by helping my family avoid the occasions of sin and performing one gratuitous act for each member of my family each week.”