We are excited to share that we are in the process of starting an alcoholism and drug addiction recovery meeting at St. Andrew the Apostle Church. The first meeting is Monday, December 2 at 7pm in the Parish Conference Room. Catholic in Recovery is a community of individuals and families seeking recovery from alcoholism and drug addiction. If you have experience in 12-step recovery and are willing to be part of our launch team or if you are interested in participating in the meeting, please contact Kent V. at [email protected]. For more information about Catholic in Recovery, visit https://catholicinrecovery.com/
FAITH Admitting one’s powerlessness and need for a savior is the central focus of Catholic in Recovery. From this foundation, we will lean on our faithful understanding of Jesus Christ as our Higher Power. When we gather, we will unite in prayer and discuss recovery topics as they relate to liturgical themes, Scripture from Sunday’s Mass readings, and the sacraments. Members will be invited to engage the sacraments as a necessary component of their personal recovery while striving for spiritual growth, one day at a time.
FREEDOM The aim of our Catholic in Recovery group is to bring freedom to those struggling with addiction to drugs and alcohol. Meetings will not be about reliving the past as about developing the appropriate attitudes and behavior for living each day successfully. Group members are offered a spiritual awakening as a result of combining the spiritual wisdom of twelve-step recovery with Catholic theology, prayer, and healing.
FELLOWSHIP Uniting the body of Christ allows members to share experience, strength, and hope with each other. Honesty, openness, and willingness to surrender to God’s will are highlighted as essential to begin making spiritual progress. Members tend to stay accountable to each other, encourage personal growth, and are available in a time of need.
ACCOMPANIMENT Personal accompaniment is at the essence of recovery. Uniting those who have found personal freedom from addiction to drugs and alcohol with individuals seeking help establishes a foundation where Christian fellowship is at its best. One addict sharing with another how he/she found freedom is how the Good News of Jesus Christ is spread.
SPIRITUAL PROGRESS Rather than establishing a foundation of perfection and seeking not to lose it, we have been given the order to seek progress in our lives. Identifying the need for help, even after the symptoms of the addictions, compulsions, or unhealthy attachment have been in remission, keeps us in right-relationship with God and others.
HONESTY, OPENNESS, WILLINGNESS Those seeking to find sobriety and freedom from addiction tend to show glimpses of honesty, openness, and willingness. These components form the fabric of surrender and personal transformation through the grace of God. We lean on each other to build upon our commitment to the Lord.
SELF-DISCOVERY & SACRAMENTAL HEALING Freedom entails much more than abstaining from the source of our addictions, compulsions, and unhealthy attachments. We refrain from focusing on things outside of our control so that we may reflect upon our own behavior. Taking personal responsibility for the development of our spiritual lives compels us to rely on God and the sacraments of the Church.