Posting for Week 1: Commandment of the Month: The featured Commandment of the Month for September is the First Commandment. “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.” Think of the strange gods of our modern world. How do they distract us away from God and our relationship with Him? How do our modern-day strange gods influence the children in our lives and what are the short-term and long-term consequences. To discover how to recognize the strange gods and how to protect ourselves and others from them, scan the code or go to
Posting for Week 2: Commandment of the Month: Why do you suppose God made the Commandment: “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.” the FIRST commandment, and not the second, fifth or tenth? What thoughts do your family and friends have about this? An easy way to remember that this is the First Commandment is to point your index finger, like a “1” upward to heaven and say, “there is only one God, He loves me and always wants what is best for me.” Have some fun teaching this to the children in your life and have a fun discussion with them about why God should always be first in their lives. To help you prepare for discussing this Commandment, scan the code or go to
Posting for Week 3: Commandment of the Month: The First Commandment, “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.” is the foundation upon which all the other Commandments have meaning and purpose. When we get this Commandment right, all the other Commandments become easier to live. To discover how the First Commandment works to your advantage, scan the code or go to
Posting for Week 4: Commandment of the Month: The First Commandment, “I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.” establishes God as the One and Only God, Creator of the Universe, the One who brings us out of the slavery of sin, and into relationships of authentic happiness and everlasting freedom. With such promise and hope, shouldn’t we trust God and His recipe of the Ten Commandments above mere worldly wisdom? To discover why and how to put God first in your life, and help the children in your life do the same, scan the code or go to
Prayer Intention for September
Dear Jesus, help us to always love you with all our heart, soul, and mind, and not be tempted by the false gods of the world.