The Cursillo is a movement within the Catholic Church that through its method and God's grace brings the Christian faith to life by facilitating an encounter with oneself, Christ, and our brothers and sisters. Learn more at KCSJ Cursillo Movement Websiteor National Cursillo USA
Brief History: The Cursillo Movement began in Spain in the mid-1940’s, came to the United States in 1957, and then brought to the KC-St. Joseph diocese in 1962 by Father Fidelis Albrecht, OFM.
Upcoming Cursillo Weekends 3-Day Cursillo weekends are usually held twice in year. Please go to to find an upcoming weekend to attend.
Join a Small Group: There are small groups meeting in our parish and northland area on various days and times of day. If you would like to join a small group, please contact the above listed Men’s or Women’s Coordinator for St. Andrews.
“Cursillo has been a life changing experience for me. Even though I don’t have any biological brothers, I truly believe these men that I meet with weekly and the ones who participated in my Cursillo weekend years ago are like my brothers. It is a wonderful way to get closer to Christ and jump start your faith life all at once.” - Henry Parente, St. Andrew the Apostle Parishioner
"Cursillo began with the weekend, but the continued sharing at small group and at Ultreya (larger group sharing) has connected me with brothers and sisters who love Christ and try to spread the “Good News” in their everyday environments. I am inspired to be more for Christ by their witnesses. Cursillo is so authentic and it has made me a better Catholic." - Mary Giordano, Cursillo #31, St. Anthony’s Table.
"For me, Cursillo is a joyful experience that's added a new dimension to my prayer life. It's provided me with an avenue to share my faith with other like-minded women in small faith sharing groups and continue developing my spiritual life within myself, my family, and my environment through prayer, study, and action. The Cursillo Movement provides a method, technique, and tools to strengthen your relationship with God and follow Jesus." - Debbie Childress, Cursillo #217